Engineering Standards


Council’s revised Engineering Design and Construction Specifications and associated Development Control Plan Amendments come into effect on 1 January 2021 with a three (3) month transition period between 1 January and 31 March 2021 (inclusive).  

During the transition period, all Development Applications, Construction Certificate applications, Subdivision Works Certificate applications, S68 applications and S138 applications can be accepted and assessed under either the superseded specifications or Council’s updated Engineering Design and Construction Specifications (to be nominated by the applicant).   This three (3) months transition period will ensure that larger design projects will not be unfairly impacted by a sudden change in Council’s standards.

All applications lodged on or after 1 April 2021 will be assessed under Council’s updated Engineering Design and Construction Specifications and amended Development Control Plans, including all Construction Certificate, Subdivision Works Certificate, S68 and S138 applications.  However, where there are inconsistencies between a development consent and Council’s Engineering Design and Construction Specifications, the development consent will prevail to the extent of any inconsistency. 

The following links provide information about good engineering practice and details the standards and requirements that need to be met in the design, construction, and development of infrastructure assets in the Wingecarribee Shire Council area.

Previous standards

Engineering Specifications and Guidelines Part 1 - Design

Engineering Specifications & Guidelines Part 1 - Design


Development Design Specifications (until 31 March 2021)

D1 - Geometric Road Design

D2 - Pavement Design

D3 - Structures Bridge Design

D4 - Subsurface Drainage Design

D5 - Stormwater Drainage Design

D6 - Site Regrading

D7 - Erosion Control and Stormwater Management

D8 - Cycleway and Pathway Design

D9 - Public Lighting

D11 - Water Reticulation

D12 - Sewerage System

Appendix One Design Principles

Engineering Specifications and Guidelines Part 2 - Construction

Engineering Standards Specifications - Planning Guidelines - Part Two - Construction

Development Construction Specifications (until 31 March 2021)

C201 - Control of traffic

C211 - Control of Erosion and Sedimentation

C212 - Clearing and Grubbing

C213 - Earthworks

C220 - Stormwater Drainage General

C221 - Pipe Drainage

C222 - Precast Box Culverts

C223 - Drainage Structures

C224 - Open Drains including Kerb and Gutter

C230 - Subsurface Drainage General

C231 - Subsoil and Foundation Drains

C232 - Pavement Drains

C233 - Drainage Mats

C241 - Stabilisation

C242 - Flexible Pavements

C244 - Sprayed Bituminous Surfacing

C245 - Asphaltic Concrete

C247 - Mass Concrete Subbase

C248 - Plain or Reinforced Concrete Base

C254 - Segmental Paving

C255 - Bituminous Mircosurfacing

C261 - Pavement Markings

C262 - Signposting

C263 - Guideposts

C264 - Guardfence

C265 - Boundary Fencing

C271 - Minor Concrete Works

C273 - Landscaping

C401 - Water Reticulation

C402 - Sewerage System

CQC - Quality Control Requirement

CQS - Quality System Requirements

CQS-C - Quality System Requirements


Engineering Design Specifications (from 1 January 2021)

D01 - Development and Subdivision of Land

D02 Quality Requirements for Design

D03 Public Lighting

D04 Site Regrading

D05 Geometric Road Layout

D06 Pavement Design

D07 Subsurface Drainage (Design)

D08 Bridges and Related Structures

D09 Stormwater Drainage (Design)

D10 Pathways and Cycleways (Design)

D11 Control of Erosion and Sedimentation (Design)

D12 Water Supply – Reticulation & Pumping Station (Design)

D13 Sewerage Systems – Reticulation & Pumping Station (Design)

Engineering Construction Specifications (from 1 January 2021)

C01 General Requirements (Construction)

C02 Quality Management

C03 Control of Traffic

C04 Control of Erosion and Sedimentation (Construction)

C05 Clearing and Grubbing

C06 Earthworks (Road Reserve)

C07 Stabilisation

C08 Flexible Pavement Base and Subbase

C09 Sprayed Bituminous Surfacing

C10 Asphaltic (Roadways)

C11 Kerbs and Channels (Gutters)

C12 Segmental Paving

C13 Road Openings and Restoration (Utilities)

C14 Subsurface Drainage

C15 Subsoil and Formation Drains

C16 Pavement Drains

C17 Drainage Blankets

C18 Pavement Markings

C21 Non-rigid Road Safety Barrier Systems

C22 Public Lighting

C23 Stormwater Drainage (Construction)

C25 Pipe Drainage

C26 Precast Box Culverts

C27 Drainage Structures

C28 Auxiliary Concrete Works

C29 Landscape – Road Reserve and Street Trees

C30 Water Supply – Reticulation and Pumping Station (Construction)

C31 Sewerage Systems – Reticulation and Pumping Station (Construction)

C32 Summary of Mandatory Hold and Witness Points for Civil Construction Works

C33 Pathways and Cycleways (Constuction)

C34 Trenchless Conduit Installation

C35 Open Space and Playground Landscaping


Engineering Specifications and Guidelines Part 3 - Asset Handover and Work as Executed Specifications

Work as Executed plans specifications and attribute requirements

Appendix 1 Buildings WAEx Standard Attribute Table

Appendix 2 Parks WAEx Standard Attribute Table

Appendix 3 Road WAEx Standard Attribute Table

Appendix 4 Drainage WAEx Standard Attribute Table

Appendix 5 Water WAEx Standard Attribute Table

Appendix 6 Sewer WAEx Standard Attribute Table

Appendix 7 Pump Stations (Water and Sewer) WAEx Standard Attribute Table

Appendix 8 WSC Confidentiality and non disclosure deed

Appendix 9 Spatial Services Digital Data Licence Agreement


Civil Engineering Standard Drawings


SD 101 Typical Road Cross Sections

SD 102 Standard Kerb and Gutter Shapes

SD105 Typical Kerb Return Designs

SD 106 Typical Cul-de-sac Geometry

SD 107 Residential Vehicular Crossing

SD 108 Commercial and Industrial Vehicular Crossing

SD 110 Rural / Residential Vehicular Crossing

SD 111 A Kerb Ramp Location Details

SD 111 B Kerb Ramp Construction Details

SD 112 Standard Kerb Inlet Pit

SD 113 Standard Junction Pit

SD 114 Standard Surcharge Inlet Pit

SD 115 Standard Dished Gutter Inlet Pit

SD 116 General Storm Water Pit Detail

SD 117 Standard Trench Grate

SD 118 Concrete Footpaving Details

SD 119 A Street Name Installation Details

SD 119B Street Name Sign Plate Details

SD 119C Street Name Sign Notes

SD 120 A Subsoil Drains - Urban Road Locations

SD 120 B Subsoil Drains - Rural Road Locations

SD 120 C Subsoil Drain Types

SD 120 D Subsoil Drainage Structure Flushing Point Details

SD 120 E Subsoil Drainage Fittings & Marker Details

SD 121 Detail for Upgrading Unformed Roads

SD 123 Driveway Gradings

SD 124 Flow Deflectors in Pits

SD 125 Threshold Treatment

SD 129 Splay Corner

SD 130A Standard Pathway Barrier High Conflict

SD 130B Standard Pathway Barrier Low Conflict

SD 131 Flood Warning Sign

SD 132 Direct Interallotment Drainage Connection

SD 133 Sample Fill Plan

SD 134 Footpath Allocation Space for Services

SD 137 Carriageway Turning Head Geometry for Accessway

SD 139 Standard Sign for Parks

SD 140 Standard Extended Kerb Inlet to suit Existing Kerb and Gutter

SD 141A Standard Tree Planting Technique and Tree Guard

SD 146 Cycleway Detail - Typical Cross Section

SD 147 WSUD Road Swale Treatment Water Sensitive Urban Stormwater Drainage

SD 148 Roadside Vegetation Clearing Zones, Cat. 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2C Roads

SD 149 Roadside Maintenance Zones

SD 150 Roadside Vegetation Clearing Zones for Urban Roads

SD 151 Concrete Joints

SD 152 Rural Road Formation Details

SD 153 Trachyte Stone Kerb Detail

SD 154 Road Closure Treatment

SD 155 Public Utility Road Crossing Restoration

SD 156 Rural Road Overlay Details

SD 157 Stormwater Drainage Pipes in Road Pavement

SD 158 Climb Irons

SD 159 Multi Message Signs

SD 160 Flood Depth Indicators

SD 161 Paths Within Tree Protection Zone

SD 162A Synthetic Cricket Pitch – Details

SD 162B Synthetic Cricket Pitch – Notes

SD 163 Public Utility Path Restoration Requirements

SD 164 Accessway & Private Road Cross sections

SD 165 Shaker Grid

SD 166 Level Crossing Maintainence Resposibilities