Bowral Waste Facility


8 Kiama Street in Bowral 

Key Points:
  • The waste centre is a privately-operated facility licensed and regulated by the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
  • The waste centre is not operated by Council.
  • The waste facility predominantly manages demolition and construction waste. 
  • It does not accept food or compositable/decayable waste. 
  • Only accepts waste generated from within the Wingecarribee Shire.
Supporting our Community:
  • Council is aware of concerns and odour complaints raised by nearby residents about the facility. Following an onsite inspection by EPA officers the Bowral Waste Centre was fined $15,000 in June 2021.
  • A temporary flare on the landfill gas management system has been operational since July 2021 to minimise landfill gas odours. A permanent flare is onsite and installation is imminent.
  • The EPA has requested the operator submit monitoring data for the gas extraction system.
  • Regular onsite inspections, including heat imagining tests conducted by drones, continue to be undertaken by the EPA and Council continues to work with the EPA to resolve the long-term issue and will continue to monitor the area.
Further Information:

Waste Centre news and updates

The EPA have also installed air monitoring pods to read local air quality and gas monitoring results for the Waste Centre can be found at

Contact the stakeholder and community engagement team:

Bowral Waste Centre 4211 4555

Residents who experience odours are encouraged to make a report to the EPA’s 24-hour Environment Line on 131 555.