Water Restrictions

Boy playing with a garden hose spraying water in the air
Current Restrictions

Wingecarribee water restrictions were removed on 1 March 2020 as a result of record rainfalls. 

Although water restrictions are currently not in place, if we all do our bit and save a little, together we'll make a big difference. Council's water-wise initiatives remain in place all year round regardless of water storage levels.

Smart Water Advice

Council is a proud subscriber of Smart Water Advice. In collaboration with The Water Conservancy and water utilities and councils from across Australia, we are providing you with a range of tips and resources to help you save water in your home, garden and at work.


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Save More Then Just Water

Cutting back on your water use not only saves water, but also saves energy, money and the environment. The resources below have been designed to provide you with some easy ways to save water.

Plant Finder

A tool to assist people in choosing water efficiency plants when designing a new garden.


Blue House

An innovative water efficiency experience for Consumers. Viewers are taken on an immersive journey through a water efficient home, seeing advice and products as they go. It’s an interactive experience.

Spotify Shower Songs - just for fun

Choose a 4-minute tune to shower to and see if you can be washed and dried before it finishes!



Recycled water, bore water and water used for testing fire systems, fire fighting and related activities are exempt from the Smart Water initiatives.