Tree and Vegetation Management - Council Land
Council understands that trees are living assets, subject to growth, decline and decay. As assets, they will be managed by adopting a holistic approach that plans for maintenance and renewal, within designated resources and levels of service.
Illegal tree works on Council land
Damaging, poisoning, pruning or removing a tree or vegetation without Council approval can be a breach of the Local Government Act 1993, Protection of the Environmental Operations Act 1997 and or the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
People or corporations found to have modified a tree without Council consent may be fined or prosecuted.
Tree maintenance requests for Council managed trees
A qualified and experienced Council Arborist will determine the level of risk and what type of works are required, in line with industry accepted methodologies and standards.
Council will categorise maintenance interventions, to facilitate decision-making and allow for the best prioritisation of resources in the following order:
- Risk to public safety, property and other infrastructure;
- Establishing and maintaining healthy and structurally sound trees; and
- Maintaining habitat for wildlife.
To make a tree maintenance request to Council, please lodge a customer request.
Tree planting requests on Council land
Do you have a vacant tree pit or grass verge in front of your house? If you do and would like Council to plant a tree, lets us know! Council is currently planting trees as part of our annual street tree planting program and we are looking for suitable sites for next year's program.
If you would like a street tree to be planted outside your property complete the online application form.