Proposed Sutton Forest Sand Quarry

Proposed Location
13302 Hume Highway Sutton Forest NSW
Western side of the Hume Highway, approximately 1.7 kilometres southwest of the Sally’s Corner interchange (12 kilometres west-southwest of Sutton Forest)
Key Points
Sutton Forest Quarries proposes to produce between 860,000 tonnes and one million tonnes of sand products annually from the quarry over a 30-year period.
The proposed development is considered a State Significant Development (SSD) and will be assessed and determined by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE).
Supporting Our Community
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) have held community meetings to enable residents to hear details of the proposal and provide feedback.
Community concerns raised include amenity impacts associated with the proposed quarry operations such as increased noise levels, visual impacts, reduced air quality, risk of groundwater pollution, increased traffic movements and reduction in the value of neighbouring properties.
Sutton Forest Quarries must now prepare a Response to Submissions (RTS) report addressing concerns raised by the community and government agencies and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Once the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is publicly issued Council will assess the proposal and submit feedback.
The DPIE will then complete its assessment based on the merits of the project and taking into account the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), all community submissions, comments from other State agencies and Council, the Response to Submissions (RTS) and any other relevant information provided. This then be sent to the Independent Planning Commission for final consideration and decision.
Further Information
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s (DPIE)
Sutton Forest Quarries