Working with Community Service Organisations

Interagency Forum

There are lots of community organisations providing services in or for the Wingecarribee Shire. Some of these organisations are listed in the MyShire Community Directory, including disability service providers, aged care providers, community transport operators, homelessness services and multicultural services. 

Wingecarribee Shire Council is also involved in a number of networks that exist to encourage interaction between local community organisations and ensure services are meeting local needs.

Wingecarribee Community Services Forum (Interagency)

The Wingecarribee Community Services Forum is an information exchange for community service organisations that are active within the Wingecarribee Shire. It is a great platform for local charities, community services and not-for-profit organisations to share information about their activities and learn about the work of other groups within the community.

Interagency meetings are held bi-monthly on a Tuesday morning at Council's Theatrette, with an annual Community Expo held in October.

Interagency meetings are open to any organisation and individual representatives.

To get involved, send your contact details to if you’d like to be added to the Interagency invitation list to receive minutes, agendas and related information.

Individuals can also contact the same address to request to sign up to the Interagency email distribution list to receive updates on activities and programs taking place within the Wingecarribee Shire.

Southern Highlands Domestic Violence Forum

The Southern Highlands Domestic Violence Forum is a local group comprised of government, non-government and volunteer members who work collaboratively to educate and advocate around domestic and family violence.

The forum meets monthly at Council’s Civic Centre in Moss Vale.

For more information, email the Forum’s Secretary at

Southern Highlands Suicide Prevention Program

This group meets monthly in Bowral and is comprised of volunteers and staff from a range of agencies working together to prevent suicide.

The group aims to assist people in distress to find appropriate help.

For more information, email

Highlands Child, Youth and Family Forum

The Highlands Child, Youth and Family Forum brings together local services with the shared aim of improving outcomes for children, young people and their families in the Wingecarribee.

The group meets monthly at Council’s Civic Centre in Moss Vale.

For more information, email

Wingecarribee Ageing Forum

Supported by Macarthur Disability Services, the Wingecarribee Ageing Forum brings together local aged care sector representatives to share information, determine local needs and deliver training, information and workshops on current issues within Aged Care.

The forum meets every two months at Council’s Civic Centre in Moss Vale.

For more information, email