Planning Proposals on Public Exhibition

A Planning Proposal is the mechanism by which the Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan 2010 can be amended. 

You can find all active Planning Proposals (WLEP 2010 amendments) on the NSW Planning Portal via the below link.

NSW Planning Portal - Planning Proposals on Exhitition

Please see details below of all Planning Proposals currently on Public Exhibition.

Planning Proposal reference: PP-2023-2689

Planning Proposal to amend the Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan 2010 to insert the Standard Instrument clause 5.24 for farm stay accommodation and to amend the land use table for the RU4 Primary Production Small Lots zone to permit farm stay accommodation with development consent is on public exhibition from Monday 8 July to Tuesday 20 August 2024

This Planning Proposal is the result of amendments to the Standard Instrument LEP with regard to agritourism and farm stay accommodation land uses and development standards as set out in the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment of 18 August 2023.  Council resolved to undertake the introduction of the new clause and the amendments to the RU4 Primary Production Small Lots zone by means of a Planning Proposal because farm stay accommodation development already occurs within the Shire in the RU1 Primary Production, RU2 Rural Landscape and C3 Environmental Management zones and the use of the Planning Proposal pathway to amend WLEP 2010 provides the opportunity for community feedback and suggestions to Council on the proposed changes.    

The Planning Proposal may be viewed and a submission made on:

Submissions can also be;
  • emailed to with the email subject title WLEP 2010 Farm Stay Accommodation (reference PP-2023-2689)
  • or hand delivered to Council's Civic Centre at 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577
  • or posted to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577

Only written submissions can be considered and should quote the reference PP-2023-2689. 

Submissions must be received by 4.30pm on Tuesday 20 August 2024. 

Enquiries should be directed to the Coordinator Strategic Policy, via email to or by telephone to 02 4868 0888.