Wingecarribee Shire Council engages contractors to undertake various projects, works or services for a diverse range of facilities, activities and functions. Council requires all Contractors, Consultants, Labour-hire Companies and their employees who are performing work for or on behalf of Council to meet the requirements set by the Work Health Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017. To assist both the contractor and Council in achieving compliance, contractors are required to register and complete an online site-specific safety induction for Council’s main sites within Council's online Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS).
A Company representative must register the company in the CSMS and then direct ALL employees who will be undertaking work on your behalf at Council to register and complete their individual site specific inductions. Work can not commence until registration has been completed and employees require valid induction certificates.
There is no cost to complete the induction and no limit on how many employees may be inducted.
Company registration
A designated Company representative must register the company in the CSMS before any company employees can complete individual site specific inductions.
Register Here
Please note: If you are a supplier who delivers products/goods, you are not required to register or be inducted.
Once registered, log into your Contractor Portal and complete a pre-qualification form which captures information regarding the company’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) systems, Insurances and other key contractor information.
Individual inductions
Online Site Specific inductions are required for our main sites:
- Civic Centre - Moss Vale
- Water Services - Mittagong Depot
- Moss Vale Depot
- Bundanoon Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP)
- Berrima STP
- Moss Vale STP
- Bowral STP
- Mittagong STP
- Robertson STP
- Medway STP
- Medway Dam
- Wingecarribee Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
- Bundanoon WTP
- WATER Field Pump Station and Reservoir Sites
- Resource Recovery Centre(RRC)
- SRLX (Southern Regional Livestock Exchange)
- Bundanoon Swimming Centre
- Bowral Swimming Centre
Please note that sole traders that have already registered their company, must also register as an individual to do the site-specific safety induction, i.e. a different username to the company credentials must be used.
Direct your employees to the inductions through the Contractor portal.
They will be required to register themselves and complete the Contractor Employee Details. Once the required documents section is complete, Council is notified. We will then review and approve the employee (this may take up to 24 hours). Once approved, the employee will receive an email notification to complete the Contractor Employee Details. On completion the employee will be asked “do you need another induction” they can click to see the site specific inductions
Already registered?
Click here to login
Troubleshooting tips
There are multiple ways of troubleshooting and seeking assistance with the CSMS.
- Navigate to the ‘Tips’ button in the bottom right-hand corner of the CSMS screen.
- Contact your Wingecarribee Shire Council contact.
- Contact the Customer Service at 02 4868 0888 and request your call is directed to the WHS Officer.
- Email whs@wsc.nsw.gov.au
Each Worker is required to complete the Contractor Employee Details Induction which will be a centralised capture of their contact details and qualifications. The Contractor Employee then needs to Complete Site-specific Inductions for the sites that are carrying out work.
Step 1 - Individual Registration into the system
The main induction registration page looks similar to the company registration page. (See below)
Type your company name in the box for Your Company (ensuring it matches the company registration completely).
Each employee needs a unique email address if they do not have an email address contact your Council contact.

Step 2 - Contractor Employee Details Induction
Once an employee has registered they will see the page below (Contractor Employee Details Induction) showing two steps.
As they progress through the steps, there will be a green tick against all the elements in the panel at the right hand side of the page.

Step 2a - Required Documents
Required Documents
This consists of general contact information and proof of training certificates/licenses.
Please Note:
- When uploading documents, click on "Choose File".

Once you choose the file - ensure you then press "Upload".

2. Once the Required Document section is completed, Council is notified and will review approve (this may take up to 24 hours).
3. Once approved, the employee will receive an email notification to complete the Contractor Employee Details form.
Step 2b - Privacy Statement and Acknowledgement
The Privacy Statement is shown and once you hit next an acknowledgement statement is shown.

Sign and press Next
Step 3 - Site-specific Inductions
Once the Contractor Employee Induction is complete you will be prompted if you would like to complete another induction. (orange below)

Our main sites require you to complete their online induction before going to site. These sites are:
- Civic Centre - Moss Vale
- Water Services - Mittagong Depot
- Shire Presentation - Moss Vale Depot
- Bundanoon Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP)
- Berrima STP
- Moss Vale STP
- Bowral STP
- Mittagong STP
- Robertson STP
- Medway Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
- Medway Dam
- Wingecarribee WTP
- Bundanoon WTP
- WATER Field Pump Station and Reservoir Sites
- Resource Recovery Centre (RRC)
- Southern Region Livestock Exchange (SRLX)
- Bundanoon Swimming Centre
- Bowral Swimming Centre
Site-specific Inductions have 3 steps

Step 3a - Required Documents
Required Documents will link to the Contractor Employee detail induction and will show as complete (green tick)
Ensure you use the same email address.

Step 3b - Site Orientation Presentation
Site Orientation Presentation is a presentation of the sites general information - health and safety information, rules, identified hazards and requirements for working at this Council site.

Use the left/right arrows to navigate through until you reach the “Click here to continue” message.
Step 3c - Induction assessment
An Induction assessment follows the site orientation video to test your knowledge to ensure that you read all the information thoroughly – It requires a 100% pass rate.
If you answer a question incorrectly, you will have another chance to correct it:

Once your answers are all correct, click the green continue button.
You have now completed your Site Specific induction.
You will receive an email with your unique QR code.
Step 4 - Certificate
On completion you will receive an email with your unique QR code.

or download or print your certificate with the QR code

there is also an option to add it to you Smart Phone Wallet

You can in with your username (email) at the kiosk or login to WorkMetrics and download or print the certificate