Council's online payment service (BPoint) is currently unavailable and therefore you will be unable to make an online payment to your rates, water & sewerage or sundry debtor account. We have notified our provider and will provide an update as soon as a resolution time-frame is available.
The climate and topography of Wingecarribee shire makes flooding and issues from stormwater problems for many residents.
Find out about your responsibilities and how you can avoid and resolve disputes.
For emergency help in flood events, contact the State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500.
On sloping sites natural surface water runoff follows the slope and contours of the block. Every property owner is responsible for to installing surface water controls on their own site.
Any diversion of this natural flow must be carried out in a way that doesn't have a detrimental impact on any properties further down the slope.
Where sloping blocks have been excavated to obtain a flat site, seepage drains should be built to redirect water to a stormwater drainage system.
Liaise with neighbours to address problems. If possible, drainage easements can be created to direct water to a council stormwater drainage system.
Council officers will investigate and may take action on stormwater drainage complaints only where it relates to the flow of surface water from one property across the common land boundary onto another, and where:
Officers have the discretion to take no action (or are unable to take action) in circumstances where:
Note: private inter allotment easements are the responsibility of the property owners who are burdened by and/or benefited by the easement.
If you become involved in a dispute the Community Justice Centre (phone 1800 990 777) offers free mediation for neighbourhood disputes.