Pest Animals

European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus pest animals in Wingecarribee Shire.jpg

Declared pest species are a biosecurity risk to our natural environment, cultural areas, and agricultural land. Explore this section for summarised content about local pest species.


The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is an introduced pest animal that can cause significant damage to our natural landscapes, urban and peri-urban areas, and agricultural land.

Listed as a Key Threatening Process (Schedule 3 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995), grazing competition and ground disturbance (e.g. warrens) can lead to erosion issues, reduce recruitment of native flora, displace native animals and alter entire landscapes. Landholders are obliged to control rabbit populations on their land. Depending on the rabbit density, this may require a collaborative rabbit control program between neighbouring properties, Council and Local Land Services.

For more information about European Rabbits and control methods, visit PestSmart.

To report rabbits, you can use the Feral Scan website and app. This free resource allows individuals to record: 

  • Rabbit sightings 
  • Damage caused by rabbits 
  • Rabbit control activities. 

Common (Indian) Mynas

The Common (India) Myna is native to India and surrounding regions of Asia and were first released in Australia in 1862 to combat pests in Melbourne market gardens, and then released in other states. They are intelligent and highly adaptable birds which have become serious pests in urban areas of NSW, ACT, Victoria and Queensland and are starting to spread into rural areas. 

Common Mynas can often be confused with native, Noisy Miners. 

Common Myna Control

Control of Common Mynas in Australia is clearly desirable provided it can be achieved in a safe, humane and cost-effective manner. Council supports the control of Common Mynas through encouraging residents to modify their local habitat to increase native bird populations, and through a selective trapping program.

Trapping Common Mynas

Selective trapping provides an effective, safe and humane way of controlling Common Mynas, and greatly reduces or eliminates the risk to non-target wildlife.

Specially designed 'Pee-Gee' traps can be purchased directly from Bowral Mens Shed at a cost of $50.00 per trap. The Shed is open Tuesday and Thursday 8.30am - 3pm. 

Address: Bowral Mens Shed, Bowral Uniting Church, 28 Bendooley Street, Bowral

Telephone: 02 4862 5285  

Mobile: 0420 299 444 


Insect Pests

Introduced insects can cause significant damage to our local environment. Insect pests can contribute to disease and disorders to horticultural crops, gardens and native vegetation. They can also outcompete native insect species and displace hollow bearing animals.  

For more information, visit the below websites; 

European Wasps


European wasps are about the size of a bee and bright yellow and black in colour, with black ‘V’ shaped markings on their abdomen.

European wasps are more aggressive than bees and will attack when their nests are disturbed. However, unlike bees, wasps can use their stings more than once.

Wasp stings cause intense local pain and swelling. However, people who or are allergic to wasp venom, or have been stung multiple times, may have a more severe reaction and require urgent medical attention.

Nest Removal

European wasps build large communal nests that can house over 100,000 wasps. The nests are built underground, in wall or ceiling cavities, or hollows in trees and are normally only visible as a small entrance hole.

If you believe that you have a European wasp nest on your property you will need to arrange for a licensed pest controller to destroy the wasps. 

Further Information