Codes and Policies

Council policies explain the way we work and make decisions and updated on a two or four year cycle. Our current policies are available below.


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The objectives of this Code of Conduct are:
  • To establish acceptable standards of behaviour for Holiday Rental Guests and

Visitors to minimise any adverse social or environmental impacts;

  • To assist Owners and Managers of Holiday Rental accommodation to meet the needs
of all stakeholders including guests, neighbours, the local community, Council and

government authorities; and

  • To inform the community of the standards of conduct expected from Holiday Rental
Owners, Managers, Guests and Visitors so as to effectively minimise adverse

amenity impacts.

Wingecarribee Shire Council encourages all Holiday Rental Owners, Managers, Guests and
Visitors to endorse this Code of Conduct and to work cooperatively with Council to achieve
its Objectives.

The Leases and Licenses of Council Property: Not for Profit Organisations 1.49 was adopted by Council on the 26 November 2014.

The objectives of this policy are to: 

  • Defining the general terms and conditions of Leases and Licences to Not-For-Profit Organisations in respect of Council Property;
  • Ensuring that leasing and licensing of Council Property is consistent, transparent, fair and impartial;
  • Ensuring that the lease or licence is in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Local Government Regulations and Office of Local Government Guidelines;
  • Encouraging sound management of Council Property.

The Liquid Trade Waste Policy was adopted by Council on the 13 June 2018.

The objectives of this policy are to: 

  • Detail the approval process for liquid trade wastes discharged into Council’s sewerage system to ensure compliance of liquid trade waste dischargers with Council’s approved conditions
  • Outline the basis for levying of appropriate sewerage and liquid trade waste fees and charges
  • Ensure the proper control of liquid trade waste discharged to the sewerage system to protect public health, worker safety, the environment and Council’s sewerage system
  • Promote waste minimisation and water conservation

The Loan Borrowings Policy was adopted by Council on the 23 May 2018.

The objectives of this policy are to: 

Ensure that the use and management of Council borrowings:

  • Complies with the Ministerial Revised Borrowing Order dated 13 May 2009;
  • Is undertaken with due regard for Council’s role as a custodian of public funds;
  • Is undertaken with the care, diligence and skill that a prudent person would exercise in managing the affairs of other persons; and
  • Complies with Council’s overall risk management philosophy.

Council’s power to borrow funds arises from Section 621 of the Local Government Act 1993. As a custodian of public funds, Council must exercise the reasonable care and diligence that a prudent person would exercise when borrowing funds.

Council recognises that loan borrowings for infrastructure are an important funding source for local government and that the full cost of funding infrastructure works should not be borne entirely on present-day ratepayers, but also future ratepayers who will also benefit from the use of the funded infrastructure.

This policy provides a framework for Council to borrow funds while ensuring the ongoing financial viability of Council; by not permitting overall borrowings to extend Council beyond its ability to meet future repayments and budgetary obligations.

The Local Orders Policy (Order 21) was adopted by Council on the 14 February 2018.

The objectives of this policy are to: 

  • Specify the criteria that Council will consider when determining whether to issue an Order Number 21 under section 124 of the Local Government Act 1993 to ensure that premises or land are placed or kept in a safe or healthy condition
  • Ensure consistency and fairness in the manner in which Council deals with issuing orders
  • Make Council’s policy and requirements for orders readily accessible and understandable to the public
  • Establish a system which can effectively resolve disputes and conflicts as they arise
  • Provide a framework which will allow Council to prioritise workload.
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